Memorial stone for Frederik VII's visit to Vejen.
Under large deciduous trees in a small green area stands a huge stone. It is on the corner between Frederik the 7th's street and Borgergade.
The stone is a memorial to Frederik VII's wife and was inaugurated on 15 November 1880 in memory of Fr. VII. The stone itself was found a few years before during ploughing, and the farmer was kind enough to donate the stone to a group of citizens in Vejen By, who made sure to have the memorial stone made. It was a major - manual - job to move the stone. It helps a little when you have Askov Folk High School in your backyard. The unveiling of the stone and its inscriptions gave rise to a major local folk festival.
The memorial stone was later moved approx. 40 m. to its current location. This happened in 1958 and this time with engine power, crane truck, wires and motor winch.
The inscription on the north side reads: The love of the people, my strength. Frederik. As Danish as he was, there was no king here for many years.
On the west side: The people of the area dragged the stone here, 1880.
Hærvejens vandringroute: 300 m
Hærvejens cykelleið: 300 m