The stage follows the coastal cliff Lien, which is Denmark's longest inland cliff, offering breathtaking views over the coastal plain and the entire Jammer Bay from Bulbjerg in the West to Rubjerg Knude in the northeast. You will predominantly be hiking on nature trails in hilly terrain over the 11 kilometers.
Selected experiences on the stage
Fosdal and Langdal Plantations
Fosdalen and its surroundings have been sought after by people for its healing water since the early Middle Ages. Perhaps it is the sensation of walking in the footsteps of ancestors that gives the area its special effect and adds an extra dimension to the diversity of nature and the beauty of the landscape.
One of Hanherred's most famous excursion spots is Fosdalen, which cuts down into the landscape from the plateau by Lerup Church and opens out towards the coastal cliff Lien. If you want to walk through the valley, it is recommended to start at Lerup Church. Near the church springs Vor Frue Kilde, an ancient holy spring, which for centuries has attracted the ill on the Virgin Mary's birthday, September 8th, in hopes of being healed. This also gave rise to the large Lerup Spring Market. It was a time marked by trade and dance, but also by drinking and brawling. In 1585, the priest complained to the bishop in Børglum about "gross indecency", and the market was moved.
A long marked hiking trail leads you around the entire plantation and gives a good impression of the variation. In the upper part of Fosdalen, you walk under lush deciduous forests with birdsong from above and the babbling of the brook in the valley bottom. Further down, where the valley is more open, a rich flora with rare species awaits you. In the plantation, you can also experience the beautiful, well-known heath stretches that have remained unplanted. Here you can see inland heaths' characteristic species such as heather, juniper, blueberries, lingonberries, and crowberry.
Fosdalen is worth a visit all year round.
Fosdalen, 9460 Brovst
Lerup Church
Beautifully situated in the midst of the picturesque landscape around Fosdalen, Lerup Church stands. The church's idyllic location bears witness to its historical connection with the sacred spring in Fosdalen. The village church was built at the end of the 12th century and dedicated to Our Lady, the Virgin Mary. Over the years, the church has been expanded. Around the 16th century, the church acquired a tower, and later a porch of more recent date was added.
Inside the church, you can see the altarpiece from the second half of the 17th century, although it was not placed in Lerup Church until around 1750, and the pulpit can be dated to the early 18th century. When you look up at the vaults, you can see frescoes, and if you look towards the baptismal font, you will see that it is decorated with a Celtic frieze, which tells of the emergence of the Christian church in Denmark.
Fosdalvej 34, 9460 Brovst
Useful information
How do you get to and from the stage using public transport?
You can find your way to the stage using public transport by using the Journey Planner and the Hærvej app. To get to the starting point of the stage, enter the destination 'Tranum School (Margrethegårdsvej / Jammerbugt)' in the Journey Planner. Once you arrive, you can use the Hærvej app to find your way out to the Hærvej.
Useful links
Journey Planner: www.rejseplanen.dk
Get a stamp in your Hærvej Passport
On this stage, you can get a stamp in your Hærvej Passport at the Forest Playground in Langdal Plantation.
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